Since i showed the "hoped for" end product on the last post...
i decided to show the
i knew this would be an interesting experiment
& so far i am pleasantly suprised at these plants vigorous take off.
Still unsure what may happen when the heat exceeds 100 degrees for more than one day.
In a row.
Our attempt to build a shade barrier went off track yesterday
so i have to improvise with a piece of plywood set over a couple of
gnarly old saw horses.
It's a balance of making sure they get enough sun
without burning up.
So far ...
they seem to ...
like it.
So does
This little dude!
What are YOU pointing at? |
"prayin' she leaves me alone." |
Sorry bout the fuzzzz
i don't have a macro for such little characters.
is that a Micro?
*So much to learn*
"The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are
making wise the simple."
Psalm 19:7