Saturday, May 11, 2013

Went and started somethin'

Since i showed the "hoped for" end product on the last post...
i decided to show the
i knew this would  be an interesting experiment
& so far i am pleasantly suprised at these plants vigorous take off.
Still unsure what may happen when the heat exceeds 100 degrees for more than one day.
In a row. 

Our attempt to build a shade barrier went off track yesterday
so i have to improvise with a piece of plywood set over a couple of
gnarly old saw horses.
It's a balance of making sure they get enough sun
without burning up.
So far ...
they seem to ...
like it.

So does
This little dude! 
What are YOU pointing at?
"prayin' she leaves me alone."
Sorry bout the fuzzzz
i don't have a macro for such little characters.
is that a Micro?
*So much to learn*
"The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are
making wise the simple."
Psalm 19:7