Thursday, June 6, 2013

held hostage and Pray please

Hello Friends and family,
 Our computers are out of commission ... mine has been clobbered by a virus... so i'm at the library.
 It may be some time til we get back in shape ... please pray for us it's been one of those weeks.
 First the car broke down. .. then the computers... the camera decided to go fritz ...

other than that ...

We had a sweet 19th Anniversary celebration, just us two as is usual...
B.B. took his vacation just in time for the  car to break so we had a "Staycation"...? is that right?
Our prayers are with all the crazy things that are happening with others around the globe...
 that Jesus keeps us all in his hands where we belong.
Please, Please, dear friends... keep Jesus in your hearts.
It's the only way to get through all of it.

We love you dearly
kare & B.B.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Went and started somethin'

Since i showed the "hoped for" end product on the last post...
i decided to show the
i knew this would  be an interesting experiment
& so far i am pleasantly suprised at these plants vigorous take off.
Still unsure what may happen when the heat exceeds 100 degrees for more than one day.
In a row. 

Our attempt to build a shade barrier went off track yesterday
so i have to improvise with a piece of plywood set over a couple of
gnarly old saw horses.
It's a balance of making sure they get enough sun
without burning up.
So far ...
they seem to ...
like it.

So does
This little dude! 
What are YOU pointing at?
"prayin' she leaves me alone."
Sorry bout the fuzzzz
i don't have a macro for such little characters.
is that a Micro?
*So much to learn*
"The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are
making wise the simple."
Psalm 19:7

Monday, April 29, 2013

Good Grief

Grief is an interesting thing
isn't it.
It can feel suffocating,
in a way;
depending on which view you take.
i have never been one to stuff my emotions.
but i learned a long time ago
not all emotions are welcome,
not all people are welcome to express them.
Some of us must resist the urge to speak up as others feel free to do.
In this politically correct world we live in it is becoming more so.
So it seems.
feeling a bit Squashed
i have never much respected conventional restrictions.
i have been told, is a "Hopi black squash".
If anyone knows any different
please advise.
i found this at a local grocer last fall...
i had been looking for an heirloom plant to put into my experimental container garden and found this specimen amongst other more manageable types of produce.
i chose it for it's
 Took it home... all 20+ pounds of it...
cut it up in pieces and harvested the seeds.

Some were already growing inside it's cavernous belly... should have taken a picture but ...
There's So much One Should do but do i find myself doing those things?
We cooked and ate some.
Not so great.
We don't know enough about it... how to season it & all,
but i dried and stored these seeds and
 threw the already growing seeds in my compost bin.
they died over winter.
So it seemed.

Hubby asked if i'd picked this up from a guy named
with the threat of more to come ...
Our neighbor accepted the challenge to come up with a recipe,
an Italian inspired sauce...
kinda tasty.
 i'm a bit afraid of it still.
our kitties seem to like it though
Since my Dad's passing 
part of me felt buried.
Have been going through those stages peoples go through when such things happen.
Unmanageable seeds germinated in
dark cavernous places,
 were thrown on the compost heap when they were not viable;
so it seemed.
Jesus said:
"I tell you the truth,
unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains only a single seed.
But, if it dies,
it produces many seeds".
John 12:24

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

for Dad

21) When my heart was grieved
and my spirit
22) I was senseless and ignorant;
I was a brute beast 
before you.
23) Yet I am always with you;
you hold me
by my right hand.
24)You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward
you will take me
25) Whom have I in heaven but
And earth has nothing I desire

26) My flesh
and my heart
 may fail,
but God is the strength
of my heart

my portion


Sunday, January 6, 2013

i love you Dad

 Dad went home.....
to be with the Lord last night 
January 5th 2013
at 11:15 pm...