Today started Beautifully.
Hub-Bee & i popped out of bed, fed our waiting Ther-a-pets
after rounding Abbys up from her outside patrol;
Sat down for coffee and the WORD.
We got behind on our reading 'cause we read less than the required 4 Chapters a day to make the schedule, so we are just in the middle of Romans.
We Did read EVERY day.. but got so engrossed in study we took more time to really absorb what we were reading.
*Have YOU ever read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations...
all the way through as you would a Novel?
in the beginning of 2011 we embarked on the "read the Bible in a Year" program and it has been SO illuminating..
Sure, My Hub is a Pastor...we've both read Gods Word...
How many times? Who knows?
it doesn't matter.
What does matter is that Each and every time it is read The WORD speaks to us in fresh and exhilarating ways...
almost as if we have not seen or heard some of it before.
"For the word of GOD is living and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
After We ate breakfast and my Love went off to work for the day i decided to listen to a radio program where the host does allot of commentary and just basic yammering on air.
The usual host was out because of the New-Year holiday.
The alternative host completely obliterated the usual programing that starts off with a wonderful Gospel song as a way to start the day,
and played instead the usual secular fare the station is known for.
Not BAD stuff; just not the inspirational sweetness we have become accustomed to.
Before i knew what hit me i realized i was highly
sporting a
rather Rotten attitude.
BIG-HUGE change from the mornings lovely start.
i realized it was the company i was keeping.
Sweet as these radio folks can be at times; i've noticed they have a tendancy to find and dwell in some particularly negative mindsets.
Not that i expect the world to be all Pollyanna and all that...
Negative surrounds us in this world today... the news is not always happy, sappy slap your knee & do a jig kinda stuff
I Know This.
i Know the truth isn't always comfortable, sweetness and light,
and in order for "the Truth to set us free" we must often dig up the negative root and give it a good examination to determine what to do with it.
But i also know how damaging a negative attitude can be to us.
Chronic negativity can ruin a persons health ..
heart and soul.
Ask me how i KNOW this
Y'all thought i was the epitome of a shiney new copper penny;
Yah i KNOW.
In this new year i will venture to tell a deeper version of my experiences.
Negativity played a big role in the developement of my present health issues,
though i want to make sure to seperate myself from it ...keep hurtfull things at bay...
Not Dwell within those walls again.
i have a new home now...
a new environment...
We are living the fact that we are
"A New Creation"
LIVING it...
This is different than merely Acknowledging it.
i know and love many folks who have the same trouble as i was prone to for many years;
i will never poo-poo or negate thier feelings
even as i fight to remain within a place of joy & peace in my soul.
What i want to do for Them,
for You,
for Us; This...
....As i did this morning...
Instead of just sitting there,feeling the steam coming from my ears
i will get up
I will remember:
"How Good and How pleasant
it is For Brothers
(& Sisters)
to Dwell together..
... i got up,
raised my hands,
and Abby & i
danced around the living room coffee table...
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from GOD's sight.
Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
Hebrews 4:13
please join me
Brothers & Sisters.
For Our Sweethearts with Knee issues & other complications:
You can dance with your arms and hands in the air
stay off
your feet until your doctor says so.
You hear?
Because We LOVE You!
Happy New Year!