Friday, September 23, 2011

Do You Dance?

The story of Noah & the Dove
A Fellow blogger asked:

"Do You Dance?"

i attempted to leave a comment.
Blogger wouldn't let me
i will answere her here.

 Big sister teaches little sister their stories through Dance

Life IS Dance!

This is my favorite Dancer Natasha Oda....
Miss Aloha Hula 2001

when i grow up
i want to be like her :)

i can picture You; my friend;
 in your yellow dance shoes and lovely "pea-green" dress.

i hope You Dance.
(if this works i Will be dancing;)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So What does a pair of fuzzy sockies
have to do with 49er ?

What is a 49er ?

Actually it's not a What but a Who?
and in  all truth here, the Sockies are Not fuzzy
the cell phone photo IS
We still have not decided on the camera we need.... plus ... we are still looking to move.... SOoo... we're saving some of that green paper stuff in order to invest in our home-stead.
So here, You get to look at my latest wall ornament from my sister who lives in a colder climate and remembers how "little sis" loves a pair of sockies.
Since moving here to this 'dry and weary land' my circulation has improved exponentially to the point where my feet are SO Hot i am always on the lookout for a cool puddle to slosh around in.
Winter Will cool down enough for the wearing of these cuties
but right now i run about mostly i did when i was a kid.
This makes me happy.
The card on the socks says
"Wild Thing"!
Yeah...that just about describes me alright! Haha!
Wild cat

So .... (i've been So-ing allot lately ;)
Along about July,
 this certain person crossed over the desert and while searching to make a move to a high-desert valley
She realized she had become a
49er. i awaken each day; this time a couple of months passed;
i find i Am much like a Prospector in my 49th year on this earth.
Hubbee and i are prospectin'
for a Homestead
and getting close to paydirt.

 a year
or a day.
 Each day we awake and ask
Is this
Is This
the Way?"

Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
 your ears will hear a voice behind you,
 "This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

Thanks for letting me share this tiny tale in the Big scheme of things.
Life is a blast... isn't it?
(49ers use blasting caps don't they?)

Life is a
Wild Thing.

Thanks to my sister Rita for bee-ing my solid gold nugget of sweetness and light.
For sending me sockies to keep my once frozen feet warm.
Now it is my heart that is warmed.
not blue anymore


Sunday, September 4, 2011


kareful where U put my face
Not to get 2 x-citer-pated ...
buuut ...
we thinks perhaps MayBee 1's of us may have foggured out how to Send a picture from our little dingy cell phone camera!!!
 MayBee's !!