Friday, May 27, 2011

WaterMelon Wars

The WaterMelon wars have begun again.
 & We B's are SOoo happy !
Prices have come down to a place we can now enjoy these delectables more often.
Between the new Walmart & Safeway... and our favorite local store Basha's;
we can usually find
some really
Before the prices started dropping for the season i had asked one of the Produce men
if he knew when the "Watermelon wars" would start up again...
he leveled a perturbed glare at me... >://
"Just HOW do you think these stores can survive AND pay their employees if they keep cutting prices on every thing??"
i was low on snappy come backs so i just slunk off feeling like a whupped puppy but wished i had remembered to quote that old saying  "a fast nickle will beat a slow dime anytime"... or something to that effect. i can't remember the exact quote..
but i DO understand this gentle-mans point... peoples need their incomes ..
 It's getting to be the time of year when things slow down where Hub.B. works now ... and they offer people the chance to go home early... Soooo.... we Bee Savin' our nickles & dimes furr sure...
By the way.... When we first came was really tight.... we did allot of belt tightening so to speak...
but Some Dear, Lovely person decided to help us and paid several months of our gas bill ...Anonymously.
Rumor has it that this person or persons has done this before for other families who were going through  similar transitions as we did when we moved here.


The Lord really has blessed us BIGGY time here... and there.... Wherever he moves us though it's been difficult and not always as secure as we wanted... He always sprinkles big and little blessings amongst the trials. Sometimes we find ourselves giggling at ourselves for feeling so insecure, 'cause
He'll pop something into our day that would otherwise seem so random.
but ... it's not random at all.
Nothing God does for us is Random...
even the uncomfortable situations are very much a small tile in that very large mosaic that he is artfully placing our story within.
kind of like a juicy slice within a ripe watermelon

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
Romans 15:13

Monday, May 23, 2011

Springing Spring-green

It seems to me that there's an awful lot of Spring greens springing up around the country this year!
Not just in Natures schematic either.
When we moved into this tiny trailer house we promised ourselves to paint the kitchen walls over from this lovely hue of green
to a tamer color, creamy white perhaps ?
2 plus years later .... our walls are still springing out at us 1st thing with the morning light.
No matter how rigormortized my body feels... how out of sorts my fogged out mind is, i still cannot help but smile and giggle a bit at the sight.
More than this though ... whenever we go shopping lately we've been finding all sorts of merchandise that's sporting the same color!
Fortunately for my sweetie B.B. i understand our budget does not include re-stocking our kitchen with All these funny, lovely new fashionably springy things.

a lovely dutch oven !
who thought of such a thing?
 How fun is this?

Hey... Thanks to all my Blogger friends ... even those who don't know it yet....
for sharing all Your lovely uplifting thoughts and pictures.

" A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones. "
Proverbs 15:30

Thank You All for inviting us into your lovely lives and hearts Springing with the newness of life ... 
Now you are good for the heart and bones!)

You are Awesome!