My Camera is So Bad... this is the best Humming buddy pict' i could come up with ...
But i Just LOVE these Funny little critters! This morning i went out to water our salad garden and mini Palm tree grove was under 50* out there so i was taken by surprise when one of our resident Hum-B's flew up to my face as if to say ... "Hey Watch This!" then dove like a tiny arrow strait down into the spray coming from beneath the stream of water as i held the hose transfixed...
Was this a fluke? Did This little Dude Actually just fly Through that shower? Oh Yes... He Sure did!! Then he dove back in over and over while i did my best not to drop the hose hands & arms were getting tired! At one point this little jewel landed on the gravel & just sat there under the cold shower... Ohhh... What FUN!!
i know birds love baths... my Grandfather raised parakeets and canaries for years in an out door atrium and now that i think about it i Do remember something about spray misters as well as tiny little birdy bathtubs set along perches inside his lovely bird sanctuary.
Yes... Now i remember ... wild birds also love the spray of garden sprinklers ... i've mused over how darling they are as they fluffle & preen their feathers under people created April-showers.
So much i have forgotten... & what a fun way to be reminded how lovely our co-existance with Gods Creation can be.
i was So Pleasantly Surprised by this little Sweety's Boldness, his vigor in staking claim to this moment of joy.... & necessity; i'm thinking.
We all need our cleansing showers in one way or the other ... physical Water based Ablutions (i love that old fashioned word:) and renewing Spiritual showers brought by the light of Love and truth.
Create in me a pure heart O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10