Sunday, December 25, 2011

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Kim Hill and Phil Keaggy

Phil Keagy is one of my favorite musicians ... if you get a chance to see him in concert he's such a lovely person..i think He & Paul McCartney were seperated at birth...they sound so much alike...
 to me anyways.
i hope that
Sir Paul
knows Jesus.
This is my prayer for all the peoples of the world

To Know that:


is the reason we celebrate



1Corinthians 9:19-23
"19)Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
20) To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.
To those under the law  I became like one under the law
[though I myself am not under the law],
so as to win those under the law.
21) To those not having the law I became like one not having the law
(though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law),
so as to win those not having the law.
22) To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.
I have become all things to all men
so that by all possible means I might save some.
I do all this for the sake of the gospel,
that I may share in its blessings."


This is why Hubbee & i  join in the celebration of Christmas,
knowing full well the controversies concerning the date of Christs birth
and the pagan ritual surrounding some of the symbolism we share at this time.

Being a Christian by word and by deed
is a tough road to travel... and as we know it's easy to fall off the path when we're not busy leaping off in persuit of all the worlds shiney new objects...or running in horror from the visions of 
 spiritual warfare.

All this to say:
 "I urge, then, first of all,
 that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made
for everyone-
for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
1Timothy 2:1-4

 Merry Christmas to:
 Grace & your new Husband Jamie
Love & Blessings from
Mr. & Mrs. 'B'

Feliz Navidad

"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on
whom his favor rests"
Luke 2:14

Feliz Navidad
Prospero anyo y Felicidad

Mele Kalikimaka

God jul

Mutlu Noeller

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noel

Merry Christmas
The Happiest of New Years!

from this tiny desert
bee hive


We Love You!

Paul says in
1 Corinthians 9: 22,23
(22) ......
"I have
all things to all men
so that by all possible means
I might save some.
(23)I do all this
for the sake of the gospel,
that I may
in its blessings."

Friday, December 16, 2011


 blue with flu
Every fall with the return of the "Snow-birds" our tiny haven is invaded by the flu.
Don't get me wrong
i have nothing against our returning flock of Humanity...

It's just the 'Stuff' they bring with them from all ends of this
Grand Nation and beyond;
Canada even.

It doesn't seem to matter if we all get the flu shot in anticipation of this event,
the mix of so many strains of virus gets the better of us here.
i'm not an epidemiologist so i don't know or understand all the intricacies of such things
only that, 
i've noticed,
 since we've been here
 we and others around us seem to be no match for the

Perhaps we should call this
Snow-BUG season.

Happy Holidays indeed.
now i sound like the Grinch.
cause i kinda feel like
i think i may have Grinched about this last year Too!
but feel too crummy to go looking.
jail-bird kitty
forgive me please.

At least this year i didn't get sick right away...
saved it for
Christmas i did.

All i want for Christmas is

my Hubby's sweet Smile.
Poor Dear
He's got it worse i think.
the bug
Grumpy wife.

Consider it
pure joy,
my brothers
 whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith
Perseverance must finish it's work
so that
you may be mature and complete,
not lacking
James 1:2,3,4

Monday, December 5, 2011


This is one of our many Bird-houses...
Yet to be inhabited
by any of our desert dwelling Avian friends.

Apparently the shimmying wings are a deterrent.

In a brave moment

(or should i say: ridiculous spurt of energy?)

i decided to warm the house by baking some Quick-bread.

Apparently i misread the Temp.
and set the oven way too low.

In a former life i KNEW this was questionable...
In this present escapade(?)
i knew
too little
 too late.

They call THIS
i call it
Baked Bricks

& NO!
i'm too horrified to take a picture
So you can't see them.

On the bright side
i have often thought it would be fun to make an Adobe brick wall....
.. maybe..
an edible
Bird Brick wall..
{maybe this will attract the birds?}
What's that they say about being a 'Brick shy of a load' ??
that's me today furr sure!
(but the house Iz warm:))

He humbled you, causing you to hunger
 and then feeding you with manna,
which neither you nor your fathers had known,
to teach you that
man does not live on bread alone
but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.
Dueteronomy 8:3

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Good Morning Star-shine!

A rise
We drove further out in
 the desert to watch the sun rise....
no roof tops could be seen.
No dogs barking
No engines rumbling,
wind shimmering...
birds tweeting
in the
true sense.
Quail make entertaining listening as:
 (we've heard it said )
"They discuss arrangements for the day."

i love Quail.
My Hero


We hiked up a well traveled trail that led to some awesome views
Near and far.
 A bush ray!

i enjoyed feeling like a mountain goat for the first time in years.
Too many.
(Perhaps a Big-horn sheep;)

And we have the
 of the prophets made more certain,
and you will do well
 to pay attention
to it,
as to a light
shining in a dark place,
until the day dawns and
the Morning star
rises in your

2nd Peter 1: 19

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A few of my favorite things

The wonderful local library had an outdoor book sale today to bring in funds and Share the joy of books. i was Sooo excited to be able to go and peruse the pages and pick up some interesting reads. i am a 'Bookworm' at heart. Some people brought little carts with them in order to fill their own personal libraries. There were old hardcover classics, new paperbacks, encyclopedia editions and huge arthouse volumes. i had to tear myself away with This nice stack bursting out of the baggy i was given to make it easier to hoard more than i intended. There was really only one book i was hoping to find. Find it i did. YAY!
Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
by Sarah Ban Breathnach

The others somehow caught my interest and at .25 cents a piece ... how could i resist?
As i recover here in this blue sky desert oasis, i am craving not just knowledge again but Wisdom. 
Hubby and i seek Wisdom in The Word every morning.. Starting the day out right. We started in Genesis at the beginning of the year and are now in the Book of Mark.
i suppose the Internet may qualify for knowledge of a sort... i am a fiend at searching out resources and odd bits of this and that.
Yet i have been in need of 'Restocking' the old Memory banks with good old fashioned Book reading.
i am So very fond of old hardbound works. They are artistry in hand...from the ink embossed paper to the careful stitches holding them together. For some reason it just gives the Authors words a bit more heft in my mind.
But... i picked up a paperback of essays by George Orwell
My country Right or Left
and a Pictorial edition of
Yosemite National Park: Natures Masterpiece in Stone.
Pat O'Hara: Photographer, text by David Robertson.

It was fun to find a Hardcover of a book my brother Johnny gave me...
 ... Oh ... some 40 years ago.
Kinship with all life by J. Allen Boone
He's going to think i'm Nutz because i haven't sent him anything but  e-mails in years.
Merry Christmas Johnny!
...just in case you don't have your own.
Thank You, for One of my favorite things...
 i still have after all these years.

Also packed home
a 1947 book of Essays: The Portable James Joyce
and lastly but certainly not the least; in size anyway
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
1941 2nd edition.
i Beelieve i have enough reading material for ...
...the rest of this year.

Oh, the depth of the riches
of the wisdom and
knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his
and his paths beyond tracing out!
Psalms 11:33

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Looks innocent doesn't he?

 All squished up in order to fit onto the tiny ledge
next to me as i attempt to put words together
on this contraption he would describe as a DIS-traction!
Thank God He is mostly innocent... No malice aforethought.. truly.
he's not the problem...
and YES...
there IS
It's these computer
Those crazy things that occur in compu-land when we are
NO-Where Near our keyboards.

SOMEwhere in the past
told me that these instruments ...
 these tools of sociability and commerce are
That they only record or function at the behest of the operator.
How IS IT then
When i turn my back ...
turn the 'Velocitraptor'
that important functions i have set up just the way



 ! <
i'm so greatful for this Sweet little furry friend
who rests so lovingly beside me
purring softly in answere to my
disgruntled mutterings
 muddling through the process of figuring out
 what & how
things have been scrambled like cold day old  eggs
 waiting to be scraped off a plate.

CocoMo: Life Coach

A man of many companions may

come to ruin,
but there is a
who sticks closer than a brother

Proverbs 18:24

Friday, September 23, 2011

Do You Dance?

The story of Noah & the Dove
A Fellow blogger asked:

"Do You Dance?"

i attempted to leave a comment.
Blogger wouldn't let me
i will answere her here.

 Big sister teaches little sister their stories through Dance

Life IS Dance!

This is my favorite Dancer Natasha Oda....
Miss Aloha Hula 2001

when i grow up
i want to be like her :)

i can picture You; my friend;
 in your yellow dance shoes and lovely "pea-green" dress.

i hope You Dance.
(if this works i Will be dancing;)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So What does a pair of fuzzy sockies
have to do with 49er ?

What is a 49er ?

Actually it's not a What but a Who?
and in  all truth here, the Sockies are Not fuzzy
the cell phone photo IS
We still have not decided on the camera we need.... plus ... we are still looking to move.... SOoo... we're saving some of that green paper stuff in order to invest in our home-stead.
So here, You get to look at my latest wall ornament from my sister who lives in a colder climate and remembers how "little sis" loves a pair of sockies.
Since moving here to this 'dry and weary land' my circulation has improved exponentially to the point where my feet are SO Hot i am always on the lookout for a cool puddle to slosh around in.
Winter Will cool down enough for the wearing of these cuties
but right now i run about mostly i did when i was a kid.
This makes me happy.
The card on the socks says
"Wild Thing"!
Yeah...that just about describes me alright! Haha!
Wild cat

So .... (i've been So-ing allot lately ;)
Along about July,
 this certain person crossed over the desert and while searching to make a move to a high-desert valley
She realized she had become a
49er. i awaken each day; this time a couple of months passed;
i find i Am much like a Prospector in my 49th year on this earth.
Hubbee and i are prospectin'
for a Homestead
and getting close to paydirt.

 a year
or a day.
 Each day we awake and ask
Is this
Is This
the Way?"

Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
 your ears will hear a voice behind you,
 "This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

Thanks for letting me share this tiny tale in the Big scheme of things.
Life is a blast... isn't it?
(49ers use blasting caps don't they?)

Life is a
Wild Thing.

Thanks to my sister Rita for bee-ing my solid gold nugget of sweetness and light.
For sending me sockies to keep my once frozen feet warm.
Now it is my heart that is warmed.
not blue anymore


Sunday, September 4, 2011


kareful where U put my face
Not to get 2 x-citer-pated ...
buuut ...
we thinks perhaps MayBee 1's of us may have foggured out how to Send a picture from our little dingy cell phone camera!!!
 MayBee's !!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

i'm Beeing followed

Well If i ever lose my....
Abby will clean up after me!
She's a Very Good Helper!
Good Moon-shadow-doggy:))

Ah ha ha ha ha!!!
Smarty pants me...thought: If i "Follow" myself ... i could Some-how be able to reply to my friends  who make Comments here!
No - Such - Duck!!

Here i am, replying to You Christine aka: Mama-bug...
 Cause i want you to know your care Matters.
The inspiration for putting up one of my old pictures of the lovely old house... Came from You!
i Luv, luv, luv, the Old house pictures You have blessed us all with and since i have a small archive of my own from the days i aspired to Bee a Photographer .... i will eventually share some of those shots... if i can figure out how to upload them here.
Right now i have not got the sustained brain power to remember what i read .... when i study
 "How to Do's"
Much less figure out how to upload my mere pittance of photographic effort.
Getting anything onto this Blogger page is in itself a HUGE thing for me.
if only Moon-doggy could help stuff my mind back into my head!))
it's that white rag looking thing she's carrying...(he, he)

Hey...  my 'House Therapy' is coming along .... slow but ....
No danger of hurting myself at This pace.
The danger is for those who attempt to come into this place right now... including Poor Hubbub when he comes home from work... He just never knows what he's gonna walk Into.
But... as long as it's a Big kiss* from me and a paw # pawed from Abby he seems
"None the worse for wear."
(what does That mean anyway?)

God IS faithful my Friend....s.
i know he has us in his hands and that we just need to
~Bee still~
i need to Bee still....and know that He is God.
i just get so Antsy when it seems a door has been opened... and like the crazy red ants i cannot evict from my back yard... it's hard for me to let go of a prospect ....
a Hope
 that this door will be THE one that leads to that place we can settle....
The gypsy life was fine,
for a time...
Letting go of every home we lived in...
It's good to let go...
But i don't know how to
connect anymore.

maybe i never did?

It's not just the moving around either.
Since becoming Hypersensitive to chemicals and learning i have to avoid so many things including people and the toxic clouds that surrounds them/us...
 it's been allot of letting go.
i went to a counselor eons ago .... because i had trouble being around people...
she used to ask me why i held my breath...
i didn't know.
i was 11 years old.
what does a kid know?
Of course at that time they thought it was all in my head...
that the panic attacks and frustration were all due to some psychological disorder.
i guess i should give the 'experts' a little credit,
at least they were close.
it IS in my head....some of it anyway...
when i get exposed to some-thing my body cannot tolerate
breathing, eating or drinking it...
when it wafts into my eyes or onto my skin... and burns like i've been misted with stinging drops of acid...
When my ears start ringing and my throat closes and i have to run away gasping for air, feeling like a rabid dog...
it Does mess with my head.
It took me forever to figure out the fact that i am not only physically affected by toxins but that
 it also affects my head... it Does make me feel like i'm losing my mind.
it's been hard for me to wrap my head around this.
Hard to figure out how to share this with people.
So i find myself retreating further away
not trying to keep connections
despite a deep desire to keep lovely people in my life.
i've let go of people who mean so much to me... because it's So hard to just think for myself, to just be... much less try to get the words out so others will understand.  
So often 
My thoughts and words are convoluted.
 i say things in ways people don't understand
then i end up not being able to go back and explain
because i can't remember what i meant or said in the first place.
i've gotten into arguments with people when i actually agreed with them but my words came out backwards and out of sink (?)

It's good to know that God not only leads,
 but also follows with the offer of Grace and New creation. 
He's ready willing and more than able to help us re-modle our lives.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; The old has gone, the new has come!
2nd Corinthians 5:17

 My goal in life is:
 Not to follow myself around but to follow the one who created this life.
To bee greatful for each day not in spite of the pains but because of them.
To bee Thankful for these oppertunities to reach out and participate in life with people.

Thank You for sticking with me even when there seems to be nothing to stick to!

You're all such sweet Honey Beez

Honey's sticky

Abbys sticky too!

Thats why we tell her to go get
her "wipe-y"



Friday, August 26, 2011

Demolition Derby ....

Now ... as far as i know this house still stands... in the tiny mountain town of Yreka, California..What locals call the State of Jefferson on I-5 just south of the Oregon border.
 It is of course a lovely landmark, the subject of many photo studies and one of my favorite subjects during college photography classes.
It used to be known as the 'Gordon & B'anne Dunlap House'.
Who knows what New and improved name they have decided to hang on it's shingle??
If you're ever in True Northern sure to take a turn down to old town and take a look at this fine old Victorian lady.
This picture was taken the "old fashioned" way... with an Asahi ... 35 mm camera.
i love black and white... enjoyed learning the entire process from camera operation to developing film and pictures.. using different techniques to accomplish interesting effect. My favorite was an Alternative methods class ... for a more Artistic approach.
We literally got our hands into the "Sauce".
You could fill a thimble with what i can remember after taking leave of my mind in the intervening years... so although i know i can pick much of it back up again, at the moment i can't remember how to even spell the process i used on this particular photo. Funny though ... upon perusing modern Photography techniques i see the work we did with hands and goop is easily reproduced in Digital format.
i feel like a Dinosaur.
a happy Dinosaur none the less.
DejaVu... have i mentioned this before?
SO... while This house still stands .... We are in the process of pulling the one we're in apart... in hopes of repairing and replacing what we can instead of calling in the Wrecking ball.
We knew when we moved in that we were in for some major work ... we also suspected this tiny place may be so much more temporary for us. But you know....this flimsy little place got us through a "Micro burst": Arizonan for tiny Tornado. Where other peoples carports and roofing took to flight, even landing in our driveway, God saw fit to test my trust and kept our home from flying apart at the seams...which seem So paper thin to me. But i made it through this trust walk wanting seriously to bolt and run to somewhere else as i listened to the severe weather alerts advising people to leave their Mobile homes and seek shelter in the nearest ditch or low spot. There Are NO lower spots... than this that could be safely used as there also were flash flood alerts for the only low spots here... the Washes.
People die in those washes every year when they ignore warnings not to drive through when water is rushing through... no matter how shallow it seems.
Because Mr. B was at work i knew he was safe and since he had the car all i could do was to hunker down with the "kiddles". And Pray.  
It was my second 'near W.W.O.B.' experience...
(Wicked Witch On Bike )
Thank You Jesus, for getting us through this!
Our temporary home was spared and we've literally 'Weathered' several more severe weather events since coming here.
Will it survive Hurricane iznaabugg?
B.B. has split days off  and until recently we've been traveling out of town for those job prospects and following 'Snow-bird' culture ...= going to Mexico for Dental work.
He's been So tired when he gets home from work because; as with most of the country; we have the heat to deal with. Tho it's just part of  life here in the desert.
 No point complainin', besides... it's been good for me.
So...this past  month i've been RRiiipPping out the carpet that has been here for ....Eons!! and smells like it. Ugh.
B.B. Brought home a killer shop vac with extra long hose so the nasty noisy part stays outside on the porch while i slorp up Tons of desert dirt and unknown particulate matter from the balding floor.
It IS a MESS!!
It's taking me a long time because i get tired just getting the equipment set up to do this ...then of course i'm personally Demolished the next day or so.
So this is happening in Big bits, and in as little pieces as i can cut the carpet into.
Hey! Not complainin' here... just the facts...
Actually i am elated to be able to do this... i would not have been so daft as to consider this in the recent past.
A bit of frustration from having to change our latest itinerary was great fuel for getting the Demolition Derby in motion.
We will be staying in this lovely Desert oasis for now
 as we decided the Ministry Op. was not what it seemed.
Good we found out before we re-arranged our whole lives for it.
Hub-B is always asking God to either open the doors wide or slam them shut.
This Door was Slammed and the wrecking ball was swift... No lingering thoughts of
' Could-a  Would-a'.
HeY Toto ... i think we missed Kansas!!

Thanks for lettin' us BUG you Again.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How will we Respond?
(sorry i can't get links to work)
i invite my friends and family to Join in Prayer with our Christian family in Texas as they pray for our nation. 
In Daniel 10, Daniel has a vision of a man that frightens him.
Daniel 10:10,11,12
(10)A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees.
(11) He said, "Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I have now been sent to you,"
And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling.
(12)Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel.
Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.
i LOVE how God responded to Daniel.
 So Precious, that God would go out of his way like this.
When you read chapter 10, you will see what i mean. Gods messenger went Way out of his way to deliver this response.
Can we, in turn, Go out of our way to respond to Him?
(just a little?)
(Just a whole Lot!)
i also invite you to read the book of Daniel as he is shown the future ... the Revelation of the things we are Right Now going through.
In fact
it has been too long
invite you to start reading Gods word
from the beginning in Genesis.
Begin a new year
Right here in the middle of the year.
It is Not yet too late to start over.
To begin a new life right now.
Time Is short my friends.
 is the Way
Pray for our country
our President,
 for our world
Pray for Israel.
(this is tardy, i'm sorry, it's the way my mind (doesn't) works.)
But it's still NOT too late to Respond.

*huggs & Buzz's

Friday, July 22, 2011

Where R we goin' ??

    Recently B.B. & i scouted out an area of this state we have been considering a move to for the better part of a year.  It's in a cooler region a little higher in elevation and has fantastic potential for filling our desire to have a small piece of dirt in which to begin efforts at self sufficiency.  We wish to have chickens, and a garden at least. My efforts down here  in this scorched earth are abbysmal, with the exception of a healthy Avocado sapling grown from The most bodacious seed we've ever found in a softball sized Avocado.
Solar power is something we favor since this territory is made for it. And we're looking into other off-grid "low-tech" alternatives to support our home.
Both of us have complimentary backgrounds that make such an endeavor a
Bill is  great at maintenance and carpentry, He's very talented with wood and other materials, machinery and tools. i have a background in agriculture/horticulture, livestock and gardening. Through my child hood all the way to college no less.
One of my first 'Pets' was a Chicken.... Yeah... a little Banty hen some incredibly loving member of my family encouraged me to name "Dumplings" .... nice huh?<
i was 3 or 4 years old.
 i used to run off into the canyon with my dear little pet when the inevitable threat would come....
"We're going to have chicken and "DUMPLINGS"  for dinner tonite!"
To this day i am amazed i did not get eaten by one of the numerous packs of coyotes that lived in those canyons, but i would run away thinking my feathered friends life was in more danger at home.
Dumplings must have had a righteous Guardian Angel, i tell ya ;>
Oh Well,
Mud under the bridge.
i guess this is why i have such a warped sense of humor.

Any ways ... To the point....
We took the road trip and discovered wonderful opportunities to put our dreams into motion.  With a possible twist in the employment scene.
For both of us.
Not certain of a time-frame yet,
but .....
it couldn't happen soon enough for me!

In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines
his steps.
Proverbs 16:9